Unique betta fish

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Unique betta fish or a like rare betta fish It is a betta splendens that has a strange shape that is different from normal betta fish and not easy to find. Nice Betta Thailand only best place to find unique betta fish

These strange looking bettas are caused by a genetic abnormality. This results in the betta fish having a shape that is different from other fighting fish. It is also in demand among rare fighting fish aquarists.

Nice Betta Thailand is often talked about among contestants who compete with strange bettas. or a rare fish keeper Because it is the only farm in the world and in Thailand that takes care of every bettas from breeding. I must emphasize that every one of them Thus making it possible to see strange bettas. genetically abnormal with a strong body.

However, it’s important to remember that bettas are territorial and may become aggressive towards other male betta fish, so it’s best to keep them in a single-species tank or with other non-aggressive fish. If you’re looking to add a pop of color and vibrancy to your aquarium, a rare betta fish might be the perfect choice. Just make sure to research their care requirements and make sure you have the necessary equipment and supplies before bringing one home.

Nice Betta Thailand is the best place to find unique bettas and good genetic gurantee from biggest competition with IBC standard and Thailand standard our farm are top 3 every years.

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