Betta splendens complex of Thailand

Betta splendens complex of Thailand

If talking about Betta splendens complex of Thailand This is a sample diagram map of Betta splendens complex of Thailand, do you know where your betta fish come from? and what species inhabitants in each provinces of Thailand. This diagram show where each individual species and it natural range are or can be find in Thailand. Some species can overlap each other in nature.

Betta fish complex of Thailand

Cr. 100% Wild Betta

Betta splendens

Update latest information in month 04/2024
It was found that a lot of changes had occurred from the old data images. Wild betta fish from many regions are traded in large numbers, or some people raise or breed them. When the quality is not as desired, they release them into the river. In each area, the original species has decreased or there has been some interbreeding. have

Betta fish
Betta fish

It is expected that in the future the original species of wild fighting fish will decrease and eventually disappear due to human invasions and other factors.

Nice Betta Thailand We see the importance of this point as well, so we have decided to preserve the original betta fish species. With ancient fish bloodlines from all parts of the country gathering at the farm and carefully separating the areas. For any readers who like the original wild fighting fish species and are ready to help conserve them, don’t wait. You can contact us immediately. We are ready to share breeders with you all.

Do you know Hybrid betta?

This is part of the development from the Sticktos wild betta splendens until it was successful and is known as the Wild Alien Hybrid.

Wild Hybid betta fish
Wild Hybid betta fish for sale

You can read more about Hybrid betta fish from : Wild hybrid Alien betta fish

Also we have group talk about betta fish for sale and share any new tip take care information on Web3.0 social group

Betta fish

Right now we have betta fish doctor help every bettas lover by top breeder in Thailand to cure or share more tip on Animalverse social
If your bettas fish sick or need tip to treat help Let’s join the group many top breeder will help to answers  betta fish community

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